Satellite View: Helpful Tips for Saving Yourself from Trouble

Satellite View: Helpful Tips for Saving Yourself from Trouble


Blog Series

Helpful Tips for Saving Yourself from Trouble

Nine months ago, July 26 of 2022, we began our series, “Helpful Tips for Saving Yourself from Trouble.” The idea is simple: you cannot break the laws of God. You can only break yourself against them when you violate them.

In this series we’ve looked at a number of obvious principles from Scripture that, if we violate them, we will pay a negative cause-effect price. My goal has been to to help keep us from making decisions and taking actions that will predictably backfire on us and make our life worse instead of better. No need to shoot ourselves in the foot.

Today, in this final post for the series, we’ll take a “satellite view” of the Biblical principles we’ve discussed these last nine months. I’ll give a very tight summary of each principal we must embrace, to reinforce the wisdom of not making bad decisions in these obvious areas. I’ll include a link to the full post at the end of each summary, so you’ll easily be able to go back to review any areas for which you want to get a refresher – because, as we all know: “repetition is the key to mental ownership.”

Helpful Tips for Saving Yourself from Trouble –  the Satellite View

  1. Happiness: King Solomon’s Conclusion

It is all right to want to be happy. God gave us that desire to lead us to faith in Him, since He is the only one who can truly fulfill our desire for happiness. Solomon wrote that the pursuit of happiness outside of God is utterly futile. His final conclusion was, “Fear God and obey His commands” (Ecclesiastes 12:13, NLT). Happiness: King Solomon’s Conclusion. Also, see the following post on gaining happiness through gratefulness!

  1. What Does Daily Holiness Look Like?

Living an authentic Christian life is not a matter of never sinning. That isn’t going to happen. Rather, it is a matter of ready repentance when we do sin. When we sin, we need to be quick to admit it and repent. What Does Daily Holiness Look Like?

  1. We Are Stewards, Not Owners, of Life’s Resources

Properly understood, we have nothing of our own. Everything we have belongs to God, and is to be managed according to His priorities. We Are Stewards, Not Owners, of Life’s Resources

  1. We Get, Not By Taking, But By Giving

It is a cold and lonely world when everyone is looking out for himself. As we serve Jesus by serving others, we reap the reward of rich and satisfying relationships. We Get, Not By Taking, But By Giving

  1. The Key To Freedom Is Discipline

To be free to sail the seven seas, you must make yourself a slave to the compass. Carefully following biblical truth makes us free to fully experience the joys of life. The Key To Freedom Is Discipline

  1. We Must Stop Molehills From Becoming Mountains

Jesus said that if we are faithful to God in little things, He will give us greater things. Molehills vs Mountains (lessons learned from “the night the bed fell”, with Parts 2 & 3 linked in the posts.)

  1. We Become What We Think About

Just as “we are what we eat” physically, so “we are what we think about” spiritually and emotionally. If we don’t think well, we will never live well. We Become What We Think About

  1. The Tongue is Powerful and Can Either Hurt or Help

Christians must govern our hearts so that we use our tongue for good in life, not for harm. The Words of a JERK

  1. What Does God Think Success Is?

In God’s eyes, success is being faithful to what God asks us to do, and leaving all results to Him.  What Do You Think Success Is? – start here for Part 1 of 2.

  1. It is People, Not Things, That Make Life Worthwhile

When you strip everything away, life really comes down to this: knowing we are not alone, knowing somebody cares, knowing we are loved. It Is People, Not Things, That Make Life Worthwhile

  1. Moral Freedom Depends on a Clear Conscience

When we sin against others, there is freedom in repenting. In the same way, when others sin against us, there is freedom in forgiving. The Freedom of Repenting

  1. Patience is Cultivated in Hard Times

We must go through things that that take us beyond our comfort zone. Afterward, when the trial is over, we recover spiritually and become stronger than we were before. Five Patience Hacks

  1. The Road to Transformation Goes Through the Tunnel of Trials

Scripture teaches that trials are unavoidable and change us into the character image of Christ, which is how we achieve our highest good in life. The Road to Transformation Goes Through the Tunnel of Trials

  1. Facts are the Engine of Life

Truth is what God says it is, regardless of whether or not we know it, and regardless of whether or not we believe it. Christians must be people of the truth… people who know truth, believe the truth, and live the truth. Facts Are the Engine of Life – Part 1

  1. Faith is Only As Good As the Object In Which It is Placed

Faith is believing what God has said and acting accordingly. If we believe/trust God, we obey Him and rest in Him. Faith Is Only As Good As the Object In Which It Is Placed – Part 1

  1. Feelings Need to be the Caboose In Life, Not the Engine

Sometimes our feelings may lead us to do things God does not want us to do. Other times, our feelings may keep us from doing things God wants us to do. Emotions must be kept in check if we are to make good decisions. Feelings Need to be the Caboose In Life, Not the Engine – Part 1


As I said, the above are very tight summaries. The links included with each summary will take you to the lead article for that principle. The entire Helpful Tips for Saving Yourself from Trouble series can be found in the all-posts archives, beginning with the first post on July 26, 2022 – scroll down on that page to “Happiness: King Solomon’s Conclusion.”

Next week, we’ll begin a new series titled “Moving From Checkers to Chess.”  If we cannot break the laws of God without “breaking ourselves”, then let’s take a closer look at seeing life as God sees it. All too often in life, we are playing checkers while God is playing chess. If that’s the case, two things are certain: (1) we will consistently make the wrong moves, and (2) we lose in the end. I think you’ll find the truths in this series helpful. I know I have.  I look forward to seeing you next week.

Below are two resources I’ve created for additional help in the Christian discipleship journey:

Strengthen your knowledge of Biblical Truth:
Our “Discipleship In a Box”, the Brave New Discipleship System, is on a Super Sale, discounted from $249 to $49!

Accelerate your Spiritual Transformation:
Brain science meets the Bible in The Change Zone. Based on Romans 12:2 and modern neuroscience, I’ve created a new membership resource, a daily mental renewal system to help motivated Christians transform their lives. Learn more here.

If you know anyone who you think might enjoy joining us in this series, please forward this blog to them and encourage them to go to and sign up for the free video, “Master the Bible So Well That the Bible Masters You”, available there on the home page. This will put them on my regular mailing list and they’ll receive my weekly blog.

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