Another Step in a Good Direction

Another Step in a Good Direction

Another step in a good direction

If this year is like last year, there will be some good things and there will be some hard things.  Mentally going into the future – to heaven – we see that in the end, God will wipe every tear from our eyes, and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain. All these things are gone forever (Rev. 21:4 NLT). In other words, in the end, all will be well.

We can take comfort in that final reality and rest in the fact that until then, God will cause everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them (Romans 8:28 NLT).

If you’ve never memorized Romans 8:28, you might consider doing so (in the translation of your choice) as a step in a good direction this year for “walking closer with God and living better in life.”

YouTube Channel Progress

We have most of the technical issues resolved for the YouTube channel (graphic design, hardware, recording and editing software, YouTube setup specs) and are now planning the video scripts and working toward the first recording sessions before long. I look forward to seeing you there soon.

And, we appreciate your ongoing prayers as we continue to lay the foundation for moving from this blog to a YouTube channel. I’ll continue to keep you posted. If you’re not already on my email list, subscribe here so you don’t miss any updates – you’ll also receive my free video, Master the Bible So Well That the Bible Masters You.

In the meantime, while I’m getting the YouTube channel ready, all of the past blog posts are still available – and you know that “repetition is the key to mental ownership!” 

And if you’re new here, we recently finished a series titled “Moving from Checkers to Chess ~ 5 Steps to Unleashing the Power of an Eternal Perspective,”  in which I “connected all the dots” from posts over the years and combined them into a “spiritual game plan.” That series is a great place to start.

I look forward to seeing all of you on my new YouTube channel soon, to further discuss how to walk closer with God and live better in life.

Two resources I’ve created to help build your biblical base for a closer walk with God:

Strengthen your knowledge of Biblical Truth:
Our “Discipleship In a Box”, the Brave New Discipleship System, is on a Super Sale, discounted from $249 to $49!

Accelerate your Spiritual Transformation:
Brain science meets the Bible in The Change Zone. Based on Romans 12:2 and modern neuroscience, I’ve created a new membership resource, a daily mental renewal system to help motivated Christians transform their lives. Learn more here.

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