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A SPIRITUAL DISCIPLINE FOR RENEWING YOUR MIND AND TRANSFORMING YOUR LIFE As you know, I am big on taking truth through the brain over and over again to encourage mental renewal.  My enthusiasm for this principle comes from two things. First, a reading of Romans 12:2, which...

THREE MISCONCEPTIONS THAT WILL HOLD YOU BACK. Our self-image is a powerful force in life. We always act consistently with it; therefore we will never rise above our self-image. So it is important to have an accurate self-image.  The trick is to see ourselves as God...

DID PRAYER REDUCE THE DAMAGE OF IRMA? As I write this, Hurricane Irma has been downgraded to a tropical storm, and Florida is beginning to lift its head and assess the damage, as what's left of Irma sweeps northwest across Georgia into Alabama. The bad news is...

OUR FEELINGS FOR GOD DEPEND ON OUR MASTERY OF THE FACTS Most Christians would like to feel closer to God. We would like to feel warm affection for Him when we meet with Him for prayer and personal worship. We would like to feel loyalty to...

HELP WHEN YOU’RE TOO WEARY TO WORSHIP I mentioned last week that my greatest challenges in spending time nurturing my relationship with God are fatigue and distraction, and that there are three things I do when I don’t feel like spending time with God or worshiping...