09 Feb Here’s What I Memorized About Arguments for the Existence of God
REPETITION IS THE KEY TO MENTAL OWNERSHIP I know, I know, I used that by-line (Repetition is the Key to Mental Ownership) a few months ago. But I’m using it again, because...
YOU CAN'T BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE FOR WHAT YOU DON'T SEE, CAN YOU? As I have read the intellectual contortions that secularists go through to deny the obvious about the existence of God, I have wondered, “why do they spend so much effort refusing to believe that...
WITHOUT GOD, THE CONCEPTS OF RIGHT AND WRONG DISAPPEAR, AND WE ARE LEFT WITH THE LAW OF THE JUNGLE: THE TRIUMPH OF THE STRONG OVER THE WEAK In recent blogs, we've made the case that secularists cannot explain our body, they cannot explain our mind, and...
IT IS ONE THING TO TRY TO EXPLAIN LIFE WITHOUT GOD, BUT QUITE ANOTHER TO EXPLAIN CONSCIOUSNESS WITHOUT GOD We spent two blogs advancing the case that modern science has no explanation for the human body outside of God’s having created us. They cannot explain DNA, nor...
IRREDUCIBLE COMPLEXITY IS A POWERFUL ARGUMENT FOR THE EXISTENCE OF GOD The theory of evolution is just that: a theory. Evolution is called theory because it has not been proved. In fact it cannot be proved. Yet the theory has become so widely embraced and so deeply...
THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A DAYDREAM AND A PLAN IS STRATEGY Harold Kushner made the following observation in his book, When All You Ever Wanted Isn’t Enough: “Our souls are not hungry for fame, comfort, wealth, or power. Those rewards create almost as many problems as they solve....
THE CREATOR GOD OF THE UNIVERSE IS LYING IN THE MANGER One of the challenges for earnest Christians at Christmas time is for the cultural realities of Christmas not to overshadow the spiritual realities. The nativity story is an engaging and heartwarming story, and the temptation...
DNA IS SO COMPLEX IT IS UNREASONABLE TO ACCOUNT FOR IT BY CHANCE If we don’t understand who God is, we’ll never understand what/who humanity is. That is why we started our study of worldview issues with who God is. Get that right and everything right...
SOMEONE WITH JUST A LITTLE KNOWLEDGE HOLDS SWAY OVER SOMEONE WHO HAS NONE Two weeks ago, we looked at three reasons to believe that God exists: The existence of the universe The design of the universe The uniqueness of humanity Last week we said that if God exists, we have...