01 Sep Feeding the Beast That Will Ultimately Destroy You
Many years ago, I heard a story about a magician whose magic show included a boa constrictor. The snake was young and small and the magician draped it over his shoulder while he did some of his other tricks. It added a dramatic element to his show and was a great hit.
Over time, the constrictor grew and grew, often winding itself around the magician’s body during the performance, which only added to the drama. The larger it got, the more sensational was the show.
Then during a show years later, the constrictor, which had been too small to be dangerous when the magician first started, began to squeeze the magician. By now it was too large, too strong to overpower, and in front of the audience, it crushed the life out of the magician.
That’s what I mean by feeding a beast that will ultimately destroy you.
During these unprecedented times in our nation, as we strive to walk closer with God and live better in life, we continue our investigation into whether an evangelical Christian should or should not support President Trump, looking now at the next level of danger in not reelecting him.
I believe the Democrats are feeding a beast (socialism/Marxism) that will grow to destroy them and then, if left unchecked, us (those embracing traditional historic Judeo-Christian values).
If Joe Biden is elected, the Democrats will likely retain the House and regain the Senate. In that scenario, 11 million illegal aliens will be granted nearly immediate citizenship (as announced by Mr Biden), creating a voting supermajority for Democrats. This will cause the country to lurch suddenly, violently and permanently to the far left. My concern is that if Biden is elected, conservatism as a viable political force is dead.
Should this happen, I believe it will bring transformative change to the US in at least three areas:
- The establishment of socialism as government policy
This will include the redistribution of wealth through hyper-taxation, and universal public welfare, potentially including free health care, free college education, minimum salary even if you don’t work, and government over-regulation of business that will eventually kill capitalism, free markets, and entrepreneurialism. This has the double whammy of strangling the creation of wealth while at the same time raising costs beyond the capacity of any economic system to support. The result is a collapse of the greatest economic engine in the history of the world which will throw the US into the same cultural and economic graveyard as every other socialist government that has ever existed.
- Cultural Marxism will be simultaneous with socialism.
Cultural Marxism is the theory that traditional Western culture is the primary source of oppression of minorities in the modern world. Cultural Marxism rejects traditional American values and aggressively replaces them with their “progressive” ideals. It insists on political correctness (aversion to language that gives any offense – intended or unintended – to any minority, especially race, gender, culture or sexual orientation), multiculturalism, attacks on the nuclear family, marriage, patriotism, traditional morality, law and order, etc.
While all Christians readily agree that black lives matter, the Black Lives Matter (BLM) organization is openly Marxist, prepared to use violence to advance their agenda, champions transparently unbiblical values, and is working to tear down Judeo-Christian values on which our country was founded. The Black Lives Matter is almost universally championed by Democrat politicians and will likely grow to a formidable force in a Democrat administration.
- The suppression and eventual persecution of Christians/Christianity.
- Christians will be forced to provide goods and services for individuals and causes that violate their Christian beliefs
- Christian organizations will be required to pay for abortions, and possibly other things, which they consider to be morally wrong.
- Christians will be required to hire individuals who violate biblical moral standards.
- Christians will be required to refrain from preaching anything that offends minorities (so called “hate speech”), even if it is clearly taught in the Bible.
- Christian churches and organizations will lose their tax exempt status if they do not toe the line.
- This is by no means a complete list, but a representative list, and may not include the worst possible results.
Socialism and Cultural Marxism must eliminate the influence of the Bible and its values in order to maintain control. This is why Christians are always persecuted in all socialist/communist governments from the Soviet Union, to Cambodia, to China, to Cuba, to Venezuela. Wherever the values of the Bible exist, socialism and communism cannot exist. The two sets of values are antithetical, which is why religious freedom was a bulwark of our American founding.
Therefore, even if a Christian finds President Trump’s attitudes and behavior disagreeable, they are not as bad as socialism, Cultural Marxism, and the suppression and eventual persecution of Christianity and Christians, which I believe, as reasoned above, would come on the heels of a Biden/Harris administration.
If you have not read my previous two blog posts on the subject of Christians and political involvement, please do so. And please forward them to those you think might benefit from them. And please post them on your Facebook page.
I encourage all Christians to…
- Be sure you are registered to vote
- Be sure to actually vote
- Commit to voting for Christian values
- Encourage others to do the same
Otherwise, we are feeding the beast that will ultimately destroy us.
If you have not already done so, please see the sources I referenced last week:
- For a careful and thorough defense from a Christian perspective of voting for President Trump, see: https://townhall.com/columnists/waynegrudem/2020/08/08/letter-to-an-antitrump-christian-friend-n2573909
- Also see this voter guide:https://millionvoices.org/2020-voter-guides/2020-presidential-primary-voter-guide/
- I especially found this film helpful:https://salemnow.com/trump-2024/. It is a paid film, currently $12.99 – the cost of a good burger, fries and beverage (NOT an affiliate link), addressing the “aggressive movement seeking to strip away America’s freedoms, teachings, values, and silencing our voice in religious, economic, and public places around the globe.” I encourage you to pay the modest price and view it. There is much at stake.
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