06 Jun Find Out Why We’ve Been So Busy!
We have had many requests for a digital version of this powerful spiritual growth tool, and we’ve have been working diligently on this resource for several months, including creating a brand new website. We will continue to make the hardcopy “discipleship in a box” system available, but we are only weeks away from the Brave New Discipleship System Online Course being available on our new website!
Due to the extra workload this has created for us here at The 7 Marks Resource Group, exacerbated by some vexing technical issues with software that we were not able to surmount in the remaining time we had, we did not send out my “normal” Max Anders Blog for the last two weeks, using the time instead to put some finishing touches on the new web site pages.
But we’re back in business today. This week I’ve updated a popular blog post from several months ago to include an encouraging and beautiful “Affirmation Mini-Poster” that you can download and use in your spiritual affirmations. It’s a slice of wisdom from Timothy Keller which I’ve combined with my own thoughts on how God changes us, spiritually, from common coal to dazzling diamonds.
Read, or, since
Repetition is the Key to Mental Ownership,
re-read the updated blog “How Coal Becomes Diamond in the Christian Life” and be sure to download the Affirmation Mini-Poster now included there to use in your spiritual affirmations, and then lean into the transformation process of “coal becoming diamonds”.
Please, “Like” my Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/maxanders.author and invite your friends to do the same. If you know someone you think may find this blog valuable, please forward it to them. I am always glad to hear from readers. Write me at max@bravenewdiscipleship.com. I will not be able to answer all emails, but I may address in future blogs the questions/issues you raise.
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