26 Oct Gain the Biblical Knowledge You Need for the 21st Century!
Last week, we finished a blog series on “Renewing Your Mind ~ Transforming Your Life.” The information in that series has been a game-changer for me. I started looking into this subject back in 2008, and have been studying and applying these principles ever since.
My experience has been that everything good that neuroscience says will happen if you follow these neurological renewal principles is happening in me. That’s one of the reasons I am so eager to share it with you. I want you to experience the life changing truths the Bible promises and neuroscience helps explain. I hope to get all this information I’ve shared in this nearly year long blog series consolidated into a book in the not-too-distant future, so it’s available to you all in one place.
And, I mentioned last week that I’m also working on an on-line membership site called The Change Zone which will “provide information, resources and strategies to renew your mind and transform your life.” If you’d like to be kept updated on the progress of that site, and alerted when that resource is available, click here to sign up for those emails.
However: a mental renewal system is not the only thing we need right now!
Knowledge is Power
If we are to escape the rip-tide of modern culture, we also need a biblical knowledge base sufficient to meet the demands of 21st century life.
Without a foundational biblical knowledge base, we are vulnerable to spiritual drift, as culture bombards us with misinformation and outright lies.
In addition, unless we are rock-solid on the foundation, we are vulnerable on the more advanced things we face in life.
For example, if we are not rock-solid on the goodness of God, then when we ponder the scope of evil in the world (cosmic pain), or when life pummels us with significant suffering (personal pain), we are vulnerable to concluding that God doesn’t really love us, or that He is not really all-good.
But, if we are rock-solid on God’s goodness, in spite of the pain and suffering in the world and in our own lives, then we can withstand the lies of the enemy when they come, and remain true to the only source of hope in the world.
Build Your Foundational Biblical Knowledge Base
I’ve created two levels of resources to give anyone a foundational biblical knowledge base. Both resources have proven to be exceptionally helpful to thousands around the world.
1. “30 Days” Books
The first, most basic level, includes my two books, 30 Days to Understanding the Bible, and 30 Days to Growing in Your Faith. These two books, together, provide the most basic information base for meeting the demands of 21st century life.
The books are not magic, but I wouldn’t try to live the Christian life without knowing what is in them. If you don’t know what’s in those two books, there will be holes in your knowledge, which will create weaknesses in your faith, which will result in problems in your life. You can (and should, as you grow) know more in the Christian life, but you should not know less.
2. The Brave New Discipleship System
Then, a more advanced biblical-knowledge resource is The Brave New Discipleship System. It covers much of the same information as the two “30 Days” books, but in greater depth. I used to teach this information in a Christian college, and can assure you that you will end up with a significant command of historic Christian truth when you’re finished.
The foundational truths taught in the BND System are critical to withstanding the rip-tide of misinformation of modern culture.
Having a significant command of foundational biblical knowledge cannot be gained without investing time and money. But I do not know of another resource that would allow you to learn more, easier, faster than this video based curriculum. This is a significant educational resource that will leapfrog you years down the road in your biblical knowledge compared to not knowing its content.
Right now, the Brave New Discipleship System is on a “Rebranding Sale” with a 60% discount. The content will remain the same in the new version, but with a new name and “packaging”, so right now is a great time to get it, before the price goes back up after the rebranding. Use it for your own personal growth or to lead others through it who you are discipling/mentoring/teaching in small group or Bible study group or home school.
This is not a “talking-head” video series. Rather it uses eye-popping pictures, interesting stories, riveting teaching and effective educational methodology that makes a 25-minute lesson seem like 10, and reaches the heart as well as the head. See samples of the video lessons in the link below.
Knowledge is power! I encourage you to make the commitment to build you biblical knowledge base and meet the challenge of 21st century life. Get your BNDS Kit on sale while this inventory lasts.
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