Here’s What I Memorized About Arguments for the Existence of God

Here’s What I Memorized About Arguments for the Existence of God


The only thing worse for me than having to work hard at remembering important information is forgetting it after once having learned it. It is so frustrating for me to learn something, and then… after however long… I don’t mentally own it anymore.

Many of you do not have that problem. If you were straight A students, you probably have a much more permanent memory than I. You probably don’t need my help. But for those of you who are more like me, here’s how I cope.

First Limit the scope – memorize only information you consider extremely important.

Second Boil that information down to an irreducible minimum (very subjective…you decide).

Third Review the reduced content however often you need to in order to keep it memorized.

So, as we look at large blocks of information related to worldview issues, from time to time I’ll give you a summary that I use to keep it memorized. This system is very helpful for me, and I hope you’ll find it helpful too.

Here is what I keep memorized about arguments for the existence of God. You’ll notice that I have key words underlined.

WHY BELIEVE IN GOD? (See this previous post for the content for this part of the outline.)

The Existence of the Universe

Matter is eternal – incongruous

Something came from nothing – incomprehensible 

God created it – consistent with reason

The Design of the Universe

The universe is like an impossibly fine-tuned watch

A watch implies a watch-maker

The Uniqueness of Humanity

Concept of beauty and morality

Concept of the divine and the afterlife

WHICH GOD? (See this post for the content for this part of the outline.)

Not an eastern god (Hindu, Buddhist, Confucius)

Not a naturalistic god (pagan, idols, spirits)

Not the God of Judaism (due to “incomplete” belief) or Islam, but 

The God of Abraham revealed in Jesus

Jesus’ credibility rests on the resurrection

News of resurrection became widely known immediately

Alternative explanations for the resurrection are not credible (Disciples stole body: impossible, Jews stole body: incomprehensible, Wrong tomb: unmistakable)

Only explanation for explosion of the church

Below, you’ll see the same information but with the underlined words left blank, except for the first letter.   I call these “Lock-it-in” Exercises.  I review them as often as I need to in order to be able to fill in the blanks from memory.  A few minutes a day for a few days is usually enough.

WHY BELIEVE IN GOD? (See this previous post for the content for this part of the outline.)

The E_____________ of the Universe

Matter is e________ – incongruous

Something came from n________ – incomprehensible

God c_______ it – consistent with reason

The D               of the Universe

The universe is like an impossibly f      – t           watch

A watch implies a w        -m_____

The Uniqueness of Humanity

Concept of b_________ and m___________

Concept of the divine and the a____________

WHICH GOD? (See this post for the content for this part of the outline.)

Not an e               god (Hindu, Buddhist, Confucius)

Not a n                      god (pagan, idols, spirits)

Not the God of J                or I                 , but

The God of A                 revealed in Jesus

Jesus’ credibility rests on the r                         

N            of resurrection became widely known immediately

A                      explanations for the resurrection are not credible (D              s           body: impossible, J           s        body: incomprehensible, W          t             : unmistakable)

Only explanation for e                    of the church

Now here is the wonderful thing about all this. If you have been studying  worldview issues, such as following those in this blog, you know much more about the existence of God than this outline. But if you memorize this outline then you will be able to recall, not just the outline, but all of that other “loose” information lying around in your brain that is tied to points in the outline.

If you master this outline, you would likely be able to talk for an hour, based on all the other things you know that are related to the points in the outline. So, mastering an outline such as this places great power at your fingertips. And the same is true of any large package of information that you master, whether related to the Bible, or gardening, or computer maintenance.

So, as we go through large data-dumps in the future related to worldview issues, I will occasionally pause and give you an outline like this. I hope you find it as helpful as I do. And in the process, I hope it inspires and leads you to create your own outlines of any information that you want to master. Remember, if it is big or neat, reduce and repeat.

Knowledge is power, and a person with a little knowledge at his/her fingertips holds sway over someone who has none. God can use that reality to multiply your impact in other people’s lives.


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