08 Jan How to Cultivate a Powerful Inner Life!
The physical world in which we live is so foreign, so hostile, so counter to biblical values that if we are going to prosper spiritually, we must create an inner spiritual world—drawing on the reality of that spiritual world for the capacity to live well in the physical world. To live well in the physical world, we must first live well with God.
We’ll explore that idea in this video.
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The blog archives and a “crash course on the Christian life”
There are over seven years of posts here on the blog that comprise a significant library of biblical information, and all past blog posts are still available.
The archives library include our recently finished series titled “Moving from Checkers to Chess ~ 5 Steps to Unleashing the Power of an Eternal Perspective,” in which I “connected all the dots” from posts over the years and combined them into a “spiritual game plan.” We’re talking about that now on YouTube, but here on the blog, that series is a great place to start for a “crash course” on the Christian life.
Two resources I’ve created to help with a closer walk with God:
The Brave New Discipleship System: with this comprehensive and systematic discipleship in a box you can make sure there are no gaps in your Biblical knowledge base. Learn what you need to know, become what you are meant to be, do what you are gifted to do. $49 Super Sale going on now!
The Change Zone: in the battle against the subtle but relentless secular cultural brainwashing we’re exposed to day in and day out, The Change Zone is an invaluable tool designed to help you accelerate your spiritual transformation. Based on Romans 12:2 and modern neuroscience, this is a daily mental renewal system to help motivated Christians renew their minds and transform their lives. Learn more here.
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