29 Aug How to Not Go Down With the Ship and a Special Limited Time Offer
In the last few blogs, I have made several key points:
- The Shallow-ization of Christianity: Because of the power of the hostile culture in which we now live, it may be more difficult to live the Christian life than at any other time in history. However, that fact can be a means of grace to produce Christians who are stronger than at any other time in history.
- Which Hurts More, God’s Will or Yours?: A critical truth often overlooked in the “shallow-ization” of Christianity is the fact that the pain of pursuing God’s will is a fraction of the pain of rejecting God’s will.
- Don’t Go Down With the Ship: Just because culture around us is in decline, that doesn’t mean that we have to decline with it! As believers, we are called to stand apart from the world, to not be seduced by its self-destructive values. We are to live in this world according to the values of the next, placing our hope in the world to come.
The starting point…
The starting point for not going down with the ship is information… truth! Jesus said, “You shall know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” (John 8:32)
There is some information so basic to the Christian life that if you do not know it, you cannot become a complete Christian!
Even with complete information, the Christian life can be challenging. Without it, it can be frustrating and discouraging. I know. I have spent, not just years, but decades, being frustrated with my progress in the Christian life.
However, I have learned over the years that while the Christian life cannot be reduced to the snap of a finger, it can be made much simpler and easier than it often is.
Having all the basic information you need in one place… and being able to learn it with breakthrough innovation… can be a game changer for growing spiritually and gaining the strength to resist the gravitational pull of modern culture.
A gold mine of truth…
Because I believe that so deeply, I spent years creating the Brave New Discipleship System, a video-based “discipleship-in-a-box” system that has everything you need to guide and accelerate your spiritual growth, or the spiritual growth of those you influence.
It covers all the foundational areas of the Christian life, providing the basis for a lifetime of spiritual growth.
It is simple enough for beginners, yet deep enough for more established Christians.
And, it is not talking-head video! Rather, it helps people learn more, easier, and faster with eye-popping pictures, creative visuals, and captivating writing, to make a 25-minute lesson seem like 10.
The cutting-edge educational methodologies reach the heart as well as the head.
The experts agree…
Michael Hyatt, former chairman and CEO of Thomas Nelson Publishers, had this to say about the Brave New Discipleship System:
“Max Anders takes a complex subject, boils it down to its irreducible minimum, and drives it home with groundbreaking creativity. If you want to grow spiritually, or help others grow, try this breakthrough approach to discipleship!”
Greg Vaughn, founder of Grace Ministries, says: “ The Brave New Discipleship System is the most innovative basic discipleship program I have ever seen! Every believer needs this course and every church needs it in their library.”
Here’s what to do next…
This discipleship system is now available in two formats:
- A hard-copy version that pastors, teachers, disciplers and parents can use to lead others through the system. It contains DVDs, workbooks and a Leader’s Guide… everything you need to effectively lead others through the essential information for a complete Christian life.
- An online course that an individual can go through by him/herself.
To learn more about this breakthrough resource, and get a steep discount during the next two weeks (through September 13, 2018), click here.
I do not know of another resource as complete, or as effective at teaching the essential truths of the Christian life, as the Brave New Discipleship System. Don’t go down with the ship in this age of shallow-ization! Master the core foundations of Christian truth! Get your Blog readers 2-week special discount here!
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