24 Nov It’s 1776 All Over Again!
It’s 1776 all over again. We are fighting for the very survival of our country as we know it.
There is compelling evidence that there was massive voter fraud as well as voting machine fraud in this year’s election, suggesting a crime-of-the-century attempt of the Democrats to steal this election. President Trump’s team is compiling a massive amount of information to that end that they will be presenting to the court system.
That’s bad enough. What’s worse is that, if the Democrats get away with this, it is likely that we will never have another fair/legal election, and the United States will go the way of all corrupt governments.
If the Founding Fathers were willing to put everything on the line for the creation of our nation in 1776, we ought to be willing to put everything on the line for the survival of our nation in 2020.
But what can we do? What should we do? The Founding Fathers risked their fortunes and lives for our nation. There is nothing comparable that we can do. Circumstances regarding the vote count are out of our control at this point.
But that doesn’t mean we can do nothing. We can pray and we must pray. This may beyond us as individuals, but it is not beyond God.
The United States is not Israel, but…
2 Chronicles 7:14 famously says, “ If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”
That passage is a direct covenant-promise to Israel. The United States does not have a covenant-promise with God, and therefore we cannot claim that as an inviolable covenant promise. However – and this is only an opinion; others might disagree – the rules by which God blessed Israel in the Old Testament seem to be being played out “in principle” with the United States in the New Testament.
That is, even though the United States doesn’t have an actual covenant-promise from God, it seems that the Lord has been dealing with us, in principle, similarly to how He dealt with Israel in the Old Testament.
As a nation, as we have trusted God and obeyed his biblical principles, He has poured out remarkable, historic blessings on the United States and has raised us above the other nations of the world as he did Israel in the Old Testament.
In the same way with historic Israel, as the United States has defected from trusting in God and obeying Him, those historic blessings have begun to fade, and we are beginning to shrink from being raised above the other nations of the world.
However, my belief is that, just as in the Old Testament God restored blessing when Israel repented, so I believe God will restore blessing as the United States repents. So, my conviction is that Christians must repent and return to following the Lord fully, and call upon Him to pull us back from the brink of calamity and grant to us a third Great Awakening.
It is way too soon to stop praying. In fact, that is the one thing we must continue to do!
With that in mind, here are things we can pray for:
- For truth to be known.
The truth will set us free (John 8:32). If we do not know the truth, we will be vulnerable to ignorance and deception. We can pray that the truth about voter fraud will come to light.
- For justice and righteousness to prevail.
God hates a false scale (Proverbs 20:23). The Democrats are putting their thumb on the scale, something God hates. We can pray for the Lord to judge the injustice. This is important, not only for our own country, but also for the world. The United States is the only thing standing between totalitarianism and the rest of the world.
- For God to bring an awakening to the church.
Though we do not have the covenant promise that Israel has, I believe that God has historically worked with the United States, in principle, as He has Israel. Therefore, I believe we can pray the principle of 2 Chronicles 7:14 – “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”
- For God to give mercy and grace to our nation.
Mercy spares us from something negative that we deserve.
Grace grants us something positive that we do not deserve.
We can call on God to withhold his hand of judgment on our nation (mercy), and give us renewal as a result of the prayers of His children (grace).
- For God to use a renewal in our country to help turbocharge the Great Commission.
Matthew 28:19-20 commissions the Church to make disciples of all nations. Because of the wealth, knowledge and technology of the Church in the U.S., we are in a better position to take the Great Commission to the far corners of the world now than ever before in the history of the world. A collapse into socialism will cripple that endeavor.
- If God should do this, it would bring great glory to Him.
God’s glory is the highest reason we can/should pray for Him to intervene and bring about a restoration of our nation as a result of His people praying. Let’s pray that God will surmount this radical assault on our traditional, biblical values, and “part the Red Sea“ for us by allowing truth to prevail so that President Trump is reelected, and that God will give the Church a third Great Awakening… all bringing great glory to Himself.
Many are saying that the corruption and fraud unearthed in this election is so deep-seated that it is too late for the normal legal process to work in time. In light of that, Christians would find it easy to declare that a Trump reelection would be a merciful, gracious miracle of God and to give God the glory that He has not received from our nation in modern history.
Let us all give ourselves to the only thing most of us can do… pray for mercy and grace on our nation, to the glory of God.
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