Master My Three Most Helpful Passages for Coping with Trials

Master My Three Most Helpful Passages for Coping with Trials


About two weeks ago, I had the privilege of speaking at the Xcelerate 2017 Discipleship Conference, at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, along with two other presenters, Michael Kelly, author of Transformational Discipleship: How People Really Grow, and the venerable Dr. Robert Coleman, one of my long time heroes, author of the bestseller The Master Plan of Evangelism (3.5 million copies sold!) and a major force for evangelism and discipleship in the evangelical world.

A main focus of my sessions, coming out of Romans 12:2 – be transformed by the renewing of your mind – was the importance of repetition in renewing the mind, which is essential to having a transformed life.

In conversations with some of the great folks Margie and I met at the conference, I learned that for some of the attendees, the information was personally life-changing, while for others it was extremely helpful in providing personal encouragement and professional ministry guidance. For me it was powerfully affirming of the importance of this vital message.

In light of that, and because we have had many new readers join us in the last 12 months, I’ve updated a blog that I wrote around a year ago on “My Three Most Helpful Verses for Coping With Trials”, adding a free downloadable PDF of those three passages so you can use them daily, as I do, to help renew your mind and transform your life.

I make the point in that blog that it is not enough just to know those passages, but that we must mentally rehearse them often enough for them to transform us.

As you have likely heard me say many times if you have been a regular reader here on the blog (and if you were at Xcelerate 2017),

Every moment of every day something in our souls is being fed and something is being starved.

Because we live in a media saturated culture, and because much of what comes through the media is an assault on biblical values, then in the course of living everyday life, the soul of a Christian is power-fed the things of the world while the things of the Spirit are starved. Therefore,

One of the great challenges of the Christian life is to find ways to power-feed the soul the things of the Spirit sufficient to offset the things of the world.

One way we do that is to take key Scripture passages, and other biblical truths, through our brains over and over until the repetition begins to rewire the brain and bring about change in the subconscious, which is where our true attitudes, values and behavior originate.

I have found that by connecting Scripture passages to pictures, it reinforces the essential message of the passage, plus it helps me keep them memorized.

As you read these passages daily for 30 days, you will begin to experience their truth sinking deeper and deeper into your heart. As you continue to review the passages, you will memorize them confidently and they will become embedded in your subconscious as deep beliefs, transforming your life from the inside out.

So, I encourage you to take a few minutes right now to read the updated blog, and then download, and review daily, the PDF you’ll find there, My Three Most Helpful Passages for Coping With Trials.

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