Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas


This blog post is coming to you a day early to wish a Merry Christmas to our blog readers from countries all over the world!

C.S. Lewis once said, “Christianity, if false, is of no importance, and if true of infinite importance. The only thing it cannot be is moderately important.’

How refreshingly clarifying that is! Christianity is not moderately important. Christians realize it is of infinite importance. And in a day of cultural distractions, it is vital that we keep a clear head on why Jesus was born.

He was born not merely to give us a good example to follow in life, though He certainly did that.  But, He was born to provide a way for our sins to be forgiven, to be reconciled to God and made ready for heaven.

Because of Bethlehem on earth, we have a Savior in heaven. Christmas begins what Easter culminates. The child in the cradle became the King on the cross.

And Bethlehem was just the beginning. Jesus has promised a repeat performance.

Jesus will return one day to culminate His mission.  Instead of a star at night, Jesus will blaze like the sun at high noon. Few saw him in Bethlehem, everyone will see Him in the heavens. Instead of angels singing to a few shepherds, trumpets will sound to the whole earth.

He isn’t merely a good example to follow; He is a Great God to worship. He isn’t someone we include in our life. He is the one to whom we give our life. We will not stand and hail him as a conquering hero. We will kneel and worship him as our transcendent Lord.

That’s the importance of Christmas. No wonder the angels sang.  No wonder that heaven and earth rejoice.  No wonder the message is called the Good News.

May the true meaning of Christmas be central in our lives this year, and may we joyfully worship the child who has become our King.

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