Questions and Answers About Trump, Politics and Culture

Questions and Answers About Trump, Politics and Culture

What do you think about Trump vs. Biden? What do you think about racism in America, about the Black Lives Matter Movement, about socialism, about police violence and the increase in mob violence? Are you sure you have been given the truth by the mainstream media?

In today’s blog, the final in this “political” series, I will be asking and briefly answering a series of questions on loosely related subjects. Not all of them directly answer the question of whether or not a Christian can legitimately vote for Trump (the purpose of the series), but they are all issues in which liberals/progressives have distorted the truth, issues that need to be understood in order to have a broad understanding of the importance of what’s at stake in this election.

To not overwhelm, I have deliberately kept the questions and answers as brief as possible, but have provided links to sources where you can go for more details. Nearly all sources about race are from African-American sources.

I will be summarizing all the posts from this series and putting them into an eBook (working title: The Compelling Christian Case for Trump) that I will make available soon.

Again, today’s blog is longer than usual, but I have organized it in a question & answer format to make it easy to read. It very tightly summarizes a vast amount of information that would otherwise take you a good deal of time to locate and absorb. I urge you to read it all, especially the last Q&A, “If I were born in the mid-1800s, wouldn’t I have the same values I have now?”

Isn’t Biden a more “Christian” option than Trump?

No. In the now-famous editorial in the flagship evangelical magazine, Christianity Today, that called for President Trump’s resignation, it mentioned his “immoral words and behavior in the cause of political expediency.” More specifically, it mentioned:

  • The hiring and firing of people who are now convicted criminals.
  • Immoral actions in business and his relationship with women.
  • A twitter feed with its habitual string of mischaracterizations, lies, and slanders

The editorial summarized this as a “near perfect example of a human being who is morally lost and confused.”

Well, few would contest that President Trump has his weaknesses. This does not mean he is utterly corrupted and incapable of any “good” in other areas however. None of us would want to be judged in our entirety by our greatest weaknesses or stupidest mistakes.

And, as I said in a previous blog, if you compared Trump with a perfect alternative, you would certainly pick the perfect alternative. However, the alternative is far from perfect.

In my opinion, the Christianity Today article came to a premature and overreaching conclusion, especially now that we have a specific alternative to him, Joe Biden:

  • A repeated plagiarizer with a flamboyant history of audacious and bewildering lies. (,
  • A public history of “overfamiliar” behavior toward women (found readily on YouTube).
  • A champion of late term abortion, including letting babies die who are born alive as a result of a failed abortion.
  • A champion of homosexual and transgender rights to supersede the rights of those opposed to them (including the use of restrooms not for their biological gender, the rights of transgender men to compete in woman’s sports, forcing businesses to serve and accommodate their values even if it violates historic, traditional American and biblical values, supporting sex change in minors and forbidding counseling to help people return to their biological sex/identification, etc.).
  • A supporter of socialism/Cultural Marxism and the Marxist Black Lives Matter movement, to the destruction of traditional America Judeo-Christian values.


This list does not include stark differences in political/policy positions, but centers on the issue of whether or not a Christian should vote for him. Much more could be said, but this summarizes the comparison. Also, for a very broad overview of the full political stakes in this election, see the very important film, Trump 2024: 

On the other hand, President Trump, while having manifested plenty of attitudes, values and behavior that do not rise to Christian levels, has not sunk to the level of depravity articulated in the Democrat platform. He is against late term abortion, is for traditional Judeo-Christian values in America, is in favor of religious liberty and against special-interest groups being able to force Christians to violate their historic and sincere religious beliefs, etc.

If you do not listen to what either President Trump or Joe Biden say, but, instead, watch what they do and the policies they endorse, the choice becomes obvious.

To listen to Trump makes him seem worse than he is (because he says so many lamentable things), while to listen to Biden makes him seem better than he is (because he tries to cloak his extreme anti-Christian values and political agenda in moderate language). But the differences in actions and policies is stark, historic, and make it obvious how a Christian should vote if he/she is going to vote for Biblical values.

With all his conspicuous flaws, I believe President Trump is a superior choice over Biden, morally/politically.

Isn’t the root of our conflict cultural and political?

No. The root of our cultural and political upheaval is spiritual.  It is satanic/demonic in nature, and we will never understand what is going on in the news without this perspective. Not infrequently, I will ask myself, “How in the world could someone believe/say that?!? Such as in calling the violent Portland riots “peaceful protests.”

Or when progressives demand that biological males who identify as female should have the right to compete in sports, including the Olympics, with biological females who are clearly less strong, etc. Or when Democrats cheer when a bill is passed into law allowing abortionists to let a baby die who was born alive as the result of a failed abortion.

I often scratch my head and wonder how in the world any sane human being with a basic moral compass could believe what progressives believe. When I grasp that it is all a matter of demonic deception, it becomes clear.

As we said in an earlier blog post, demons are organized in a hierarchy (Ephesians 6:12) to do the will of Satan. There are demons over every country (Daniel 10:13, 20) whose purpose is to foment disorder and every evil thing (James 3:14-16). In the Bible, Satan is called a “liar and the father of lies” (John 8). Jesus accuses unbelievers of not being able to “hear what I say” because they are influenced by the “father of lies.”

Satan’s lie-based assault against God and Christians always turns violent, and is being played out all around the world:

  • Communism in China, North Korea, etc. with intense persecution of Christians.
  • Militant Islam in Africa, the Middle East, Pakistan and Afghanistan, with intense persecution of Christians.
  • Militant Hinduism in India, with intense persecution of Christian.
  • Globalism, socialism, and Cultural Marxism in Europe, the United States and additional English-speaking countries, with the increasing discrimination of Christians and outright persecution likely to follow if it is not stopped.


Why is all this going on all over the world at the same time, and why is it all targeted to try to destroy Christians? Because, I believe, it is all being orchestrated by the devil, the enemy of God and the enemy of our souls.

Romans 1:18-32 offers a sobering description of what is happening in America. In reading the passage, you can see it says that:

God has made himself known to everyone through creation. But though people knew about God from creation, they suppressed that truth and, as a result, their minds became darkened, and they doubled-down on their sin.

As a result of doubling-down on their sin, God gave them over to a depraved mind and they became immoral, gave themselves over to homosexuality, became filled with evil and began to invent new ways of doing evil.

When I look at the Democrat Party platform, it seems to be mirroring the specifics of what Romans 1 says is the consequence of suppressing truth and doubling-down on sin.

The level of depravity and evil in the Democrat platform, and the mindlessness of progressives concerning biblical truth make it apparent that our nation is in a massive spiritual war. The Democrat Party has given itself over to the “dark side,” and is trying to pull the rest of the nation with it.

Satanic deception leads progressives to believe preposterous and evil things, fully convinced they are not only right but morally superior – and so superior that violence is justified in the pursuit of their goals.

Unless we understand that fundamental reality, we will never understand what is happening to our country, or how we should respond.

When we understand this, we can understand an appropriate response, which should include:

  1. Trusting in God and praying for His solution.
  2. Playing our part as stewards of God’s work on earth by championing this truth and voting for President Trump and the Republican Party Platform.
  3. Getting involved beyond the “voting” level to whatever level the Lord may lead, from encouraging others to vote all the way to running for political office.


Isn’t racism the biggest problem for black people in America?

No. It is a symptom of a deeper problem. The biggest problem is the disintegration of the African-American family as an unintended consequence of the welfare system (War on Poverty) started by President Johnson in 1964. This resulted in the disintegration of the nuclear family, with no fathers in over 70% of black homes, along with the eventual abandonment of the Judeo-Christian values on which our country was founded. According to these black experts, that is the #1 problem for blacks: Dr. Walter Williams, Dr. Thomas Sowell, Dr. Shelby Steele, Kwiesi Mfume, Jason Riley, Larry Elder and even President Barak Obama. (For much more information, click on the links provided at the end of this article.)*

A lack of fathers in the home, and not racism, is the single most important issue facing blacks in America (

But isn’t “white privilege” a major problem in holding blacks back?

No. “White Privilege” is defined as:  the unearned, mostly unacknowledged social advantage white people have over other racial groups simply because they are white.

The concept of white privilege is a tool invented by progressives to contribute to divisive identity politics in pursuit of the progressive political agenda, and is exposed in this video:

In the same vein, “white guilt” is the fear that whites have of being called racist, thereby losing their moral credibility. White guilt drove the creation of the welfare state in the US and is what fuels the progressive agenda in politics today. This point is made by several of the individuals listed at the end of this article.

The ideas of white privilege and white guilt create a victim mentality among blacks today that cause them to blame others for their failures and “inequality,” and their failure to assume personal responsibility for living a life of personal discipline. For more information on this subject, see this video:

In addition, the documentary, Uncle Tom (, is a powerful account of the experiences of blacks, both positive and negative, who either passively accept the progressive narrative of black oppression or alternately, who choose to think for themselves, look at the facts, and accept personal responsibility for their behavior and actions. It is a powerful, moving account that all people who want to understand race in America should watch.

Is financial poverty a root problem with blacks in America? 

No. According to black economist Dr. Walter Williams of George Mason University, the main economic problem with blacks in America is spiritual poverty.

In his documentary, Suffer No Fools, Williams, who in his youth was a supporter of the radical Malcom X rather than Martin Luther King, Jr., later rejected “victimhood,” and became an avid proponent of personal responsibility.

He asserts in the video that: the welfare state has done to black Americans what slavery could not have done, what Jim Crow and the harshest racism could not have done, and that is to destroy the black family.

Black Americans made some of the greatest financial gains in the shortest period of time of any racial group in the history of mankind.

However, those gains came to a halt with President Lyndon Johnson’s social welfare program, The War on Poverty in 1964, resulting in, not only greater financial poverty, but now a spiritual poverty.

As a result, many black people now lack ambition, have developed the value of dependency, and engage in pathological behavior. Now, 70% of children today are born out of wedlock compared to only 30% in 1940.  Once you get to a certain level of disintegration of values that promote success, you have to fix the spiritual problem before you can solve the other problems.

It’s a basic economic principle: if you tax something you are going to get less of it, and if you reward something, you are going to get more of it. We have been subsidizing slovenly behavior.

Williams further asserts: LBJ set in motion a set of programs and affirmative action, with the best of intentions, that produced a calamitous cascade of negative unintended consequences and impeded the progress that was being achieved before affirmative action.

Racial issues have been resurrected by race hustlers like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson who make a living on the grievances of blacks. What blacks must do is accept responsibility for their actions, capitalize on the opportunities afforded them by American culture, the best culture in the world for minorities, and make their way.

See this video for further information:

Furthermore, the Brookings Institute, a liberal think-tank, reports that if you do three things, you will not end up in poverty:

  1. Graduate from high school.
  2. Wait until after marriage to have children.
  3. Get a full-time job.

These three things virtually guarantee a middle-class American experience  (

As Jason Riley, a black member of the Wall Street Editorial Board, a fellow at the Manhattan Institute and bestselling author of  Please Stop Helping Us, said, “Until you repair that damage [the breakdown of the family as a result of the welfare state] nothing else will improve for the black community.” (

This conclusion is highlighted by the fact that a conspicuous segment of the black population has not abandoned Judeo-Christian values and is thriving in the United States.

Beyond that, one of the most successful sub-categories of minorities in America is Nigerians, who seem to thrive, disproportionately, in the US – not being held back because of their race (  They thrive because of family expectations.

Aren’t the police racist?

No. Harvard economist Roland Flyer did a study to determine if racism could be demonstrated to be a factor in police shootings of blacks. Roland reported that the results were “the most surprising of my career.” Not only are blacks not more likely to be fired upon by police than whites, the study found that, if anything, they are less likely to be shot at because the police fear their own lives being destroyed by a violent incident.

According to the Washington Post there were 14 unarmed black men killed by the police in 2019. There were 19 unarmed white men killed by police in 2019. But when an unarmed white man gets killed, it goes unreported. No one in the progressive/black community cares. With no outcry over white deaths and a universal outcry over black deaths, it gives a distorted picture of reality (

African-American attorney and radio talk show host Larry Elder reports on the statistical summary of black violence.

  1. Of 400,000 non-homicide violent black/white crimes, 85% of the perpetrators are black.
  2. Blacks kill more blacks (7,000 in 2019) in a year than the KKK did in its entire history.
  3. A young black is 7X more likely to be murdered than a young white man, almost always by another young black man.
  4. Blacks kill 2X as many whites (500) as whites kill blacks (250).
  5. Blacks, 13% of the population, commit 50% of the murders.
  6. Of the 50% of black homicides, they are mostly committed by young black men.This means roughly 3% of the population is responsible for 50% of the nation’s homicides.
  7. The #1 cause of preventable deaths for young white men is accidents; the #1 cause of preventable deaths for young black men is homicide.
  8. Chicago is the murder capital of the country. Its racial makeup is 1/3 black, 1/3 white, 1/3 Hispanic.  Blacks account for 70% of the homicides, 75% of which are unsolved.


The Black Lives Matter movement would have us believe that state-sanctioned violence and anti-black racism are widespread. The statistics demonstrate that they are not ( Statistics demonstrate that urban black culture is often very violent, causing a disproportionate involvement of blacks with the police. This must not be misinterpreted as racism.

Professional basketball player Lebron James has famously tweeted his perspective regarding “racist” police and the danger they pose to all blacks: “We’re literally hunted everyday/every time we step foot outside the comfort of our homes.”

And in another tweet: “We are scared as black people in America. Black men, black women, black kids, we are terrified because you don’t know, you have no idea how that cop that day left the house. You don’t know if he woke up on the good side of the bed, you don’t know if he woke up on the wrong side of the bed. You don’t know if he had an argument at home with a significant other, if one of his kids said something crazy to him and he left the house steaming. Or maybe he just left the house saying that today is gonna be the end for one of these black people. That’s what it feels like.”

However, this perspective is simply not born out by the data. It’s a consequence of a false narrative perpetuated by progressives and the mainstream media that gives an inaccurate impression of realty, not only to blacks, but to all of American society.

Statistically, Lebron should be much more afraid of other young black men than of the police.

In addition to the data above, Brandon Tatum, a black former Tucson police officer, asserts that the statistics reveal that in order to be virtually 100% safe when stopped by police, simply do one thing: do not resist! Using data from the more recent incidences of police violence against blacks, Tatum makes the case that if you (1) don’t engage in illegal behavior, and (2) don’t resist when confronted by the police, then (3) you are virtually 100% safe as a black man in America (

In another significant source, Manhattan Institute Fellow, Heather McDonald, has written a book titled War on Cops which documents that there is no systemic racism in the American police force. The interview at this site between (black) Candace Owens and (white) Heather McDonald is a must-see if you want to truly understand police and racism: (

Lebron’s fears are simply not rooted in reality.

Is Black Lives Matter a good thing?

It depends. There are three nuances to “black lives matter.” It could be:

  1. A sentence which any serious Christian would agree with and support in both word and deed.
  2. A cultural and political movement with many positive implications. Surely, an advanced culture would desire equality of spirit and opportunity for all races.
  3. An anti-Christian Marxist/socialist organization given to violence, intimidation, the destruction of traditional American values and the nuclear family as well as the support of segregation and identity politics harmful to American culture. It is diametrically opposed to the historic civil rights movement of Dr. Martin Luther, King, Jr.

Because of the profoundly negative and detrimental components of the Black Lives Matter organization, the term itself cannot be used by Christians without risking fundamental misunderstanding.

Black Lives Matter (BLM) was formed after Trayvon Martin, an African-American man, was fatally shot by a white man, George Zimmerman. Zimmerman was later acquitted of murder. Later the organization achieved significant national prominence after the shooting, in Ferguson, MO, of an African-American man, Michael Brown, by a white police officer, Darrel White, who was not indicted.

Fuel has been added to the fire with the recent deaths of other African-American men at the hands of police. The prevailing perception of many in the African-American community and the liberal/progressive white community is that these deaths are the result of “state sanctioned violence,” asserting that systemic racism exists in police departments in America who commit random acts of violence/homicide against blacks at a disproportionate rate over whites.

This is not true. Larry Elder asserts that the Black Lives Matter movement is based on a lie (blacks are not killed at a rate higher than whites by police departments that are systemically racist), that BLM is not out to help black people (many, many more blacks are murdered by other blacks, but BLM makes no effort to address that dramatically disproportionate cause of preventable death), and that BLM is a Marxist organization whose ultimate intention is to overthrow traditional American government and replace it with Marxism. (,

The BLM/progressive focus on police violence against blacks has been likened to a person who sustains a life-threatening head wound and a broken little finger in an auto accident. When the EMTs arrive, they ignore the life-threatening head wound and start working on the broken little finger.

In the analogy, the broken little finger is police violence against blacks, and the life-threatening head wound is black-on black violence.

BLM (aided and abetted by the media) virtually ignores black-on-black crime and magnifies police violence, I believe, because addressing black on-black crime does not advance their Marxist agenda (

Has racism been eliminated in America?

No. There are individuals in America who are racist, so some African-Americans, unforunately, will experience racial discrimination during their lifetime. However, regardless of the history of America, there is no legal discrimination or segregation in America now. There are no government or corporate institutions that have policies that discriminate against Blacks. Nor do the police discriminate against Blacks.

Black conservatives assert that the racism that exists today is individual racism, but to equate that with the racism of slavery or Jim Crow is inaccurate and an insult to the people who lived through slavery and Jim Crow, as well as those who fought long and hard to eliminate it. (,

In the above videos, Larry Elder stresses that to change the racism of individuals, you must tell the truth over and over again. The Black Lives Matter organization, he asserts, is a phony institution.

He further asserts: Most cops just want to do a good job and go home alive. Most cops are more reluctant to pull the trigger on a black person than they are a white person because of the potential for its backfiring against them.

Baltimore was governed by a black mayor, the top two officials running the police department were black, the command staff were black, the state attorney is black, and yet they are still talking in Baltimore about systemic racism.

The reality is, a lot of black people are doing bad things, and usually against other black people. That fact cannot be misconstrued to mean that blacks are being discriminated against because of their race.

Is it true that a young black man is more likely to be pulled over by the police than a young white man? Perhaps. And if it is true, what explains it? National Institutes of Justice, the research arm of the DOJ, found in a 2013 study on “Traffic Stops and Race,” that blacks were stopped more often than whites because blacks committed traffic violations more often than whites.

In 1964, with the creation of the Civil Rights Act, we gave welfare money to families who did not have a father in the home. What they did was to incentivize families to not have fathers in the home. It changed the culture of black families, fathers no longer had to take care of the children, and mothers no longer had to have a husband. So black families went from having 25% single-family homes in 1920 to having 75% single-family homes in 2020. 

It was a “neutron bomb” dropped on this country as a result of the unintended consequences of trying to help people out of poverty.

So, Elder asserts, there is lamentable racism on an individual basis in America, but that fact should not obscure the reality that many times, the negative circumstances in black communities are the result of black behavior.

Haven’t black activists like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton helped black Americans?

No. According to Dr. Shelby Steele, Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institute of Stanford University, they have promoted social programs that have backfired, and made things worse instead of better (

At George Floyd’s memorial service, Al Sharpton said, “George Floyd’s story has been the story of black folks. Because ever since 400 years ago, the reason we could never be who we wanted, and dreamed to be is that you kept your knee on our neck.”

To this, Dr. Shelby Steele replied that Al Sharpton is a master of this old form of politics that comes out of the 60s where we as blacks cry, “victimization,” and demand the larger society give us things of some kind or another.

Dr. Steele goes on to say:  “I will take Al Sharpton seriously when he says what black Americans can do to get out of the situation we’re in.

What’s going wrong with black America? Why are we so dependent on white America, on the government? All they can think of is themselves as victims, which then, of course, deflates them as human beings, undermines their best energies, their best intentions, so that now, after 50 to 60 years past the civil rights bill, we’re worse off in many socioeconomic categories than we were 60 years ago. 

I understand why it happened. Liberalism came in and really took over our fate. White Americans live under the fear of this accusation that they are racist, and they need to prove that they’re not racist. So in order to prove that they’re not racist, they feel a need to take over the fate of black people and engineer them into equality.

Life doesn’t work like that. We have to engineer ourselves. Period. There is no other way. Our families have fallen to pieces. 75% of all black children are born out of wedlock, without a father. 

I don’t care how many social programs you have. You’re not going to overcome that. We as black Americans have to begin to take our fate back into our own hands and stop crying “racism.” 

There is a little racism out there, always was, and always will be. But liberalism has hurt us in terms of moving out of the 400 years of oppression we have been subjected to. We can give police more sensitivity training, but that’s not going to read a story to a child at night before he goes to sleep, so that he is developing his mind and he’s getting ready to go to school and be serious about the academic and educational development before him –  so that he can compete someday in the most advanced society in the modern world.”

What’s wrong with socialism? Doesn’t socialism work in Scandinavia?

No. Scandinavian countries are not socialist. They are democracies with robust capitalist economies, low business regulation and a robust entrepreneurial environment with high wealth creation. It’s just that they have chosen (voted) to levy on themselves high tax rates for the purpose of providing generous universal benefits, such as health care, education and retirement. This causes some people to misunderstand and assume they are socialist countries. With democracy and a capitalist economy, they can afford to provide generous social/welfare programs and still survive economically, socially and culturally.

Socialist (Marxist) countries, by contrast, are totalitarian governments in which the government owns or controls business which is highly regulated, stifling growth, entrepreneurialism and wealth-creation.  Socialist economies are always weak, ineffective and never produce enough money to pay for social/welfare programs they try to provide, so the standard of living plummets (

As English Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher famously said, “The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money!” Socialism is a poverty-inclined political system that can only be maintained by brutal, totalitarian governments that eliminate personal freedoms, especially freedom to vote, freedom of religion and freedom of speech. They are all failures when compared to democracy and capitalism. There have never been any exceptions (Soviet Union, China, Cambodia, Cuba, Venezuela, etc.).

If I lived in the mid 1800’s wouldn’t I have the same values I have now?

No. Almost certainly, your values would be different.

We tend to be children of our culture. We tend to be children of the times in which we live. If we had lived before the time of Copernicus, we would almost certainly have believed the sun revolved around the earth.

Why? Because children tend to believe what adults tell them, they tend to grow up believing that, and tend to teach that to their children who do the same. It’s just the way things are. That helps provide stability and perpetuate goodness if the beliefs are good. If the beliefs are bad, it usually takes some disruptive innovation to change it. But rarely do isolated individuals stand out from the crowd on major cultural values.

Today, if you live in the Northeast or West coast, you are statistically likely to be politically liberal. If you live in the deep South or Midwest, you are statistically likely to be politically conservative.

Why is that? Is there something in the water or soil in those locations that makes people liberal or conservative? Of course not. It’s a cultural thing.

Even if you are a liberal from Massachusetts today, if you were white and lived in the South in 1850, you would likely have accepted slavery. If you were white and lived in the north in 1850, you would likely not have accepted slavery.

If you were black and lived in the right (or wrong, as the case might be) tribe in Africa in 1775, you would very possibly have believed it was okay to sell individuals from another black tribe to white slave traders.

For you to think that you would hold to your present values if you had lived in a different time and place is unrealistic and not supported by history. You would likely have been a child of your time and place, just as everyone else tends to be.

That being the case, it is time for us to come together and to reason together on the issue of race in America. It is time for all whites who may have never given it thought before to acknowledge the horror of slavery and to agree that we will not perpetuate a racist attitude. And it is time for blacks to accept the national apology already extended (in the form of the Civil War and the Civil Rights Act of 1964) and begin working together for the common good.

Dr. Shelby Steele, has gone on record as saying:

“America should have said to us when segregation was made illegal in 1964, ‘We acknowledge what we did, we are profoundly sorry, we will make every effort not to ever do this kind of thing again to anybody, any group. And now you are on your own.'”

He makes the point that to try to “help blacks catch up,” and to give them preferential treatment, which ultimately harms them, is a reflection of the “discrimination of low expectations,” because we think blacks are not capable of making it on their own. That blacks are capable of making it on their own was demonstrated in the 100 years following the Civil War when, according to Dr. Walter Williams, blacks made more progress faster than any other minority racial group in history

The opportunity we have now is to acknowledge the horrors of the past, put the past behind us, come together and work peacefully and constructively for a united and common future. “Together” is better for all of us. “Separate” is worse for all of us. Our national motto is E Pluribus Unum: Out of many, one. That has been true in the past and must be true of us in the future. Let us rise to the challenge and opportunity of that motto for a better future for all of us.


I began this series of blog posts on political and cultural upheaval in America by saying that it cannot be comprehended without understanding that it is spiritual in origin.

The Democratic Party, represented by Joe Biden and Kamala Harris at the top of the ticket, represents a record of evil and depravity never before seen in our nation. The evil is a remarkable match with the description in Romans 1:18-32 of people who have suppressed the truth about God, and whom God has given over to a depraved mind.

This is consistent with the argument I made here about demonic forces being marshalled against nations, resulting in “disorder and every evil thing” (James 3:13-16).  People given over to the dark side cannot come to knowledge of the truth, and are held captive by the devil to do his will (2 Timothy 2:24-26).

When we understand and the interpret the reality of spiritual warfare being at the root of our present cultural and political upheaval, it should make it clear to Christians that we must resist the fake news perpetuated in the mainstream media as to the causes and solutions of our problems, and assume our responsibility and opportunity is to vote a straight Republican ticket. To do otherwise is to help a depraved Democrat agenda become the law of the land.

I urge you to embrace the historic importance of voting against the Democrat agenda, vote for the Republican agenda, and encourage all in your sphere of influence to do the same.

If you would like a prayer guide for the election, I suggest “40 Days of Prayer” that begins the 25th of this month and ends on election day, November 3. The guide is available here: ( There are no days listed in the guide, but there are 40 bullet-points, so you could pray one bullet-point per day (which is what I am going to do) or just otherwise use it however you wish.

NOTES/REFERENCES for the greatest problems facing blacks in America:

  • Walter Williams – (Ph.D. Faculty, George Mason University)

  • Thomas Sowell (Ph.D. Senior Fellow, Stanford University, Hoover Institute)

  • Shelby Steele (Ph.D. Senior Fellow, Stanford University, Hoover Institute)!

  • Kweisi Mfume (Congressmen from Maryland, former President, NAACP)

  • Jason Riley (Fellow, Manhattan Institute, WSJ editorial board member)

  • Larry Elder (J.D. Attorney, author, documentary film maker, talk-radio host)

  • Barak Obama (In a “Fatherhood” speech in 2008, he made a powerful case for the essential role of fathers in black culture, saying, “We need fathers to realize that responsibility does not end at conception. We need them to realize that what makes you a man is not the ability to have a child — it’s the courage to raise one.”)

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