

I mentioned last week that I’m not going to be blogging any more.

Instead of blogging

I’m starting a YouTube channel to create video content. This decision was prompted by several factors:

  1. Video is becoming increasingly popular. Research indicates that more people actually open video content than written content.
  2. I will be able to deliver more content per post in video than by writing.
  3. Video allows the author to make a stronger connection with subscribers than by writing.
  4. It is easy to listen to a video while driving, walking, or exercising, etc.

Instead of sending out blogs each week, I’ll be using the remainder of December to finish setting up the YouTube channel and record the first few episodes.

I will, however, still be sending out communications to you to stay in touch. Then, after the YouTube channel gets up and running, instead of getting a blog post in your inbox each week, I’ll send you an intro to the new YouTube video for the week, with a link to make it easy to go straight to the video.

I’ll let you know when the channel is ready to go, but if you’re not already on my email list, subscribe here so you don’t miss any updates – you’ll also receive my free video, Master the Bible So Well That the Bible Masters You.

As the world moves deeper and deeper into challenging times, it is more and more important for Christians to be grounded in the “truth that will set us free” (John 8:32). I look forward to using this new platform and continuing this journey with you to walk closer with God and live better in life.

In the meantime, while I’m getting the YouTube channel ready, all of the past blog posts are still available – and you know that “repetition is the key to mental ownership!” 

And if you’re new here, we just finished a series titled “Moving from Checkers to Chess ~ 5 Steps to Unleashing the Power of an Eternal Perspective,”  in which I “connected all the dots” from posts over the years and combined them into a “spiritual game plan.” That series is a great place to start.

I look forward to seeing all of you on my new YouTube channel in 2024 to further discuss how to walk closer with God and live better in life.

Two resources I’ve created to help build your biblical base for a closer walk with God:

Strengthen your knowledge of Biblical Truth:
Our “Discipleship In a Box”, the Brave New Discipleship System, is on a Super Sale, discounted from $249 to $49!

Accelerate your Spiritual Transformation:
Brain science meets the Bible in The Change Zone. Based on Romans 12:2 and modern neuroscience, I’ve created a new membership resource, a daily mental renewal system to help motivated Christians transform their lives. Learn more here.

If you know anyone who you think might enjoy joining us in this series, please forward this blog to them and encourage them to go to and sign up for the free video, “Master the Bible So Well That the Bible Masters You”, available there on the home page. This will put them on my regular mailing list and they’ll receive my weekly blog.

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