09 Nov Walking With a Good God in Bad Times
We’re doing something a bit differently on this week’s blog.
This past Sunday, I preached a sermon at our church in which I melded content from several recent blogs. I am including a link to the sermon as this week’s blog post, for three reasons.
First, because repetition is the key to mental ownership, and if something is important, we must repeat it until it changes us. So, this is another way to review and reinforce the important material we’ve been looking at here on the blog.
Second, because the sermon puts past blog information together in a new way, hopefully creating additional insights on the same information.
Third, because, educationally, including an additional method/perceptual system (hearing, in addition to previously reading), gives the brain an additional way to absorb and master the information.
To listen and/or download, click here. I hope you find it both interesting and helpful.
See you next week.
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