What Should We Think While We Wait? Part II

What Should We Think While We Wait? Part II

Well, like last week, we are still waiting. There is a high-stakes game of political chess going on right now.

On the one hand, the left is focusing on trying to create the image of Joe Biden as president-elect and foster an impression of inevitability concerning his election. At the same time, they are accusing President Trump of plotting a coup de tat against “president-elect” Joe Biden, which is preposterous.

Why preposterous? Because Joe Biden is not the president-elect, even though he is propping himself up as such. One is not a president-elect until at least 270 electoral college votes are cast for him in December. That very well may not happen for Biden. However, the left is desperately trying to influence public opinion to try to get Trump to concede, as well as to use public opinion as a weapon against him however possible.

On the other hand, President Trump has assembled a powerful stable of impressive attorneys to fight election fraud in every affected state in as many ways as possible.

In a sobering interview with Lou Dobbs, high-powered former federal prosecutor Sidney Powell has announced the collection of hard evidence for a shocking amount and level of voter fraud centered on the Dominion Voting Systems. She claims to have compelling evidence of widespread illegal vote tampering through the voting machines, and states bluntly that she does not make statements she cannot back up. She has vowed to “release the Kraken” (a mythical gigantic sea-monster that attacks and devours unsuspecting sailors). Time will tell what that means. (https://youtu.be/SFCXPw1t17o and https://youtu.be/n_p1sonhp-k)

That is just one area of voter fraud. Finding 100,000 dead people who voted in Michigan, hundreds of thousands of ballots delivered in the middle of the night, all for Biden, and illegal processes conducted at polling places by Democrats during election day are just a few of the additional voter-fraud fronts.

There is alarming evidence to suggest that a massive, well-planned, well-orchestrated, well-financed attempt to steal the election may have been perpetrated on our nation by dark forces intent on winning at any cost. But, it remains in question if the breadth and scale of the fraud can be revealed in time to affect this election.

A significant challenge for Republicans is the looming deadline for the electoral college vote in early December. It may not be possible to prove all the fraud in such a short time. Yet there are other possible gambits that could potentially be successfully employed. There is still hope for President Trump, but it is uncertain, and there is still towering reason to continue to pray!

So, as we continue to pray and wait for the Lord to make known to us His will, there are still things that are helpful to remind ourselves of.

  1. Troubling times can work for our good, spiritually.

No one in his right mind enjoys troubling times. Yet, troubling times are upon us, and the Lord will guide and strengthen us through them. In fact, one of the deeply important truths we need to grab hold of is the fact that if we appropriate the Lord’s grace and resources, we can be better Christians in challenging times than if we lived in easier times.

Just as greater physical resistance produces greater physical strength, so greater spiritual resistance can result in greater spiritual strength.

That means that worship can be richer, our relationship with God can be closer and more fulfilling, peace, love and joy can be found in greater measure, relationships can become fuller, and ministry more powerful.

So, if we have an eternal perspective, living for the next world even while remaining in this one, everything can become better. As James said, “Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance.  And let endurance have its perfect result that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing” (2:2-4).

  1. God will still give us peace and purpose.

Philippians 4:6 encourages us, “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.  And the peace of God which passes understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” God still has a purpose for us, a will for us, good works that He has planned for us, spiritual blessings that He wants to give us, no matter what the political context.  And as we pursue what God has for us, bathing everything in prayer, we can experience His peace in the midst of the chaos.

  1. We can pray until we know if President Trump is reelected.

As mentioned last week, some Christians are counseling us to accept God’s will, His sovereignty, and the fact that He will cause all things to work together for good, including a Trump loss. And that is true. And that is what we must do if we should learn that He has lost.

But until then, I say, hammer on heaven’s door.

In Luke 11, we have the example of the man who hammered on his neighbor’s door until the neighbor finally got up and gave him what he needed. Jesus gave His disciples this parable after they asked Him to teach them to pray.

Then, in Luke 18, Jesus gave the parable of a woman who continued to visit a judge until he finally gave her the legal protection she was asking for. Jesus taught this parable to show that we ought to pray at all times and not become discouraged.

So, I – for one – am continuing to hammer on heaven’s door until we know the answer. I invite you to do the same.

  1. Our current upheaval can create in us an awakening.

I had hoped that 9-11 would produce a Great Awakening. It didn’t. I believe this election is producing an awakening. Time will tell if it is a Great Awakening. I pray that it will be. Not only because no one wants to see a great nation harmed. But also because, if we have a Great Awakening which buys us additional time, during that time will be able to use our knowledge, technology and money to take the Great Commission to the four corners of the globe in a way we have never seen before.

Because of our knowledge, technology and money, we are producing translations of the Bible in a few years with a few hundred thousand dollars instead of decades and millions of dollars, as used to be the case. That is but one example of our magnified capacity to take the Great Commission to the world. We are poised and ready to make it happen, but it will be greatly stifled if our country descends into the chaos of socialism.

5.    There is reason for hope and continued prayer. 

    • We have never had the focus on prayer that we are seeing in our country. There were 500,000 on the mall for repentance and prayer on September 26. There are continuing calls for prayer and fasting on a national level by Franklin Graham, Strengthening the Nation, Family Research Council, Southern Baptists, along with an unknowable and uncountable number of other and lesser prayer initiatives.
    • More Christians – 7.5 million – voted this year than have ever voted before. And, a significant on-line presence has emerged to encourage voter registration among Christians for the next election. The prayer and the action (voting) together are an encouraging sign that the church has been stirred… and can be further stirred to more fully play its biblical role in being salt and light to our nation on a more effective level than since the Civil War.
    • If Trump is elected, this experience will enable us to expose and root out a here-to-for unimaginable amount of corruption, election fraud, greed, treason and other evil that we didn’t even know was there – at least on the level we now see it. It will have been the Lord’s severe mercy to be able to catch it before it was too late.
    • God hates a false scale, Proverbs (20:23) tells us. The left is putting its thumb on the scale, to pervert justice. Since God hates that, we can pray He will act against it. We can pray that God will squeak us through this scare in such a way as to give us a Great Awakening, and in such a way that it will be obvious that He did it, and will get the glory in a way that would not have happened before.
    • We can always pray to God for mercy and grace, that He will extend to us mercy (in not giving us, as a nation, what we deserve), and grace (giving us that which we do not deserve).


I believe that if the vote is able to be accurately counted, Trump will be revealed to be the winner, and I am convinced that if all the voter fraud is uncovered so that Trump is elected, it will be as the result of our prayers.

So… let us continue to pray!

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