Who Should You Vote For?

Who Should You Vote For?


Next Tuesday is an important election for us here in the United States and, in my opinion, it is important for Christians to vote. In this time of unprecedented political turmoil, it is a huge opportunity for Christians to affect the outcome of these important races.

There are over 200 million eligible voters in the United States, and, while estimates vary widely depending on the definition, many tens of millions of those voters are evangelical Christians.  If we would all vote, we could have an enormous impact on the outcome of the election.

I believe that all Christians should vote and I believe the Bible gives us principles to determine whom we should vote for.

In the Old Testament, when Israel was governed by a monarchy, the standard by which a given king was evaluated was whether or not he established justice and righteousness.

For example, in 1 Kings 10:9, we read this verse referring to king David, “Blessed be the Lord your God who delighted in you to set you on the throne of Israel; because the Lord loved Israel forever, therefore He made you king, to do justice and righteousness.”

Throughout the Old Testament, justice and righteousness are held up as the values that God desires. In Proverbs 21:3 we read, “To do righteousness and justice is desired by the Lord more than sacrifice.”

When kings established justice and righteousness, the Bible says that they did that which was right in the eyes of the Lord.  When they did not establish justice and righteousness, it was declared that they did not do what was right in the eyes of the Lord.

Now, the United States is not a monarchy, and we are not kings or queens.  But we are a democratic republic, meaning that we are a nation governed by laws established by representatives whom we elect.  Therefore, by voting, each of us can help elect individuals who will establish the laws by which our country operates.

Therefore, I believe that I am responsible to exercise my right as a citizen to vote for the person whom I believe will most help establish justice and righteousness in the U.S.

We are not to vote for the person who is best looking, we are not to vote for the person who is most charismatic, we are not to vote for the person who supports a pet issue of ours while violating other major biblical standards.  We are to vote for the person who has gone on record as supporting laws that help establish justice and righteousness.

In this day of political mudslinging it can be difficult to assess which candidate will be most effective at doing so, and the choice may sometimes be between two imperfect candidates.

In national races (House and Senate) we can vote for the person who will help win a majority of votes to pass national laws that establish justice and righteousness.

So, next Tuesday, vote!  And be sure to vote for the individuals who will most effectively help establish justice and righteousness in our nation.

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